Workshop Details Workshop Dates
Foundation Level - 1 Day Workshop - AUD$200 incl GST
This workshop teaches all the basic of Rekindled Ancient Wisdom (RAW). It gives the foundations of RAW which are used in every other level.
Learn -
- About the 12 Parts of the Being
- Access points for the 12 Parts of the Being
- Muscle testing using RAW’s unique finger mode
- Correct emotions on yourself and others
- Correct emotions on specific issues including pain, stress, relationship issues, health etc....
- Correct affirmations into the subconscious energies, removing the stress associated with them.
Level 1 - 4 Day Workshop - AUD$700 incl GST
This workshop expands on the introduction and takes your balances to a whole new level. There are 21 lists of information and 20 tribal symbols which allows the energies to access deep layers of imbalances.
Learn how to balance –
- Sabotages
- Suppressions
- Allergies
- Stored memories
- Attached energies
- Developing the Soul
- Kundalini imbalances
- Past life issues
- Karmic Issues
- Genetic Issues
- Releasing surrogates
- Someone who is not with you (a remote balance)
And much more
NB - You must be able to attend all four days. To be eligible to attend Level 1, you must have completed the introduction level.
Level 2 - 4 Day Workshop - AUD$700 incl GST
This workshop has 5 balances:-
- The Main Balance - this looks at things like - self love, self worth, the hormones, the unconscious, vows and promises, metaphysical strands on the DNA, energetic implants, formations of the outer body, 20 new symbols for your symbols manual and much more
- An Energies As One Balance - this looks at balancing the interaction between two or more people. Sometimes issues arise in a group dynamic that are not brought about by an individual/s, the issues are instead trapped in the combined energies of everyone. The energies as one balance clears out the feeder energy between people.
- Level 2 Remote Balance - this expands on the remote balance in level 1, by using the level 2 balancing process and information.
- Brilliance Of Light Cycle Balance - this s a wonderful process for clearing the energy when you wan a great balance but you don't have a lot of time. It is a quick simple yet powerful balance which which looks at re-programming the frequency to the correct level.
- Physical Balance - this looks at identifying energy imbalances in the physical body. It pinpoints systems and places within those systems where the energy is compromised to help re-establish balance.
NB - You must be able to attend all four days. To be eligible to attend Level 2, you must have completed the Level 1.
Level 3 - 3 Day Workshop - AUD$550 incl GST
This workshop has 6 balances in it:-
- Overcoming Fear Balance - looks at what fears are in the systems. The fears scan list comprises of over 150 fears including fears of failure, heights, snakes, being abandoned, missing out, illness etc...
- Dissolving Foreign Energies Balance - looks at what distracting energies are in the systems and what is causing these distractions.
- Personal Power Balance - looks at the cause of personal power imbalances and where the personal power is being lost.
- Immune System Balance - looks at the immune system both physically and metaphysically.
- House, Room and Land Balance - houses, rooms and land hold energy that can get unbalanced. This is a great balance for a general energy clear out or if you are moving into a new home or if you are selling a home or if there is a specific issue with the house, room or land.
- Car Balance - cars hold energy that can get unbalanced. This is a great balance if you have bought a new car, need an energy clean out of your current car or you are wanting to sell your car.
In this workshop you also receive 20 symbols, which will complete your symbols manual. There are extra scan lists of information which look at things like colours, numerology, what programmes are on line, aspects of life being affected, limitations in the 12 parts of the Being and more. You also receive a programmed clear quartz crystal which is used in a new correction technique.
NB - You must be able to attend all three days. To be eligible to attend Level 3, you must have completed the Level 2.
Level 4 - 2 Day Workshop - AUD$490 incl GST
This workshop has 3 balances in it:-
- Draining Energies Balance - looks at where the energies are draining from, the problem with the energies and the cause of draining.
- Cables Balance - looks at balancing the energy grid that keeps us grounded, centered and evolving. These cables connect us o the Earth and our evolutionary potential.
- Master Energy Keys Balance - takes the energies into a past life or future life to correct the imbalances and then integrate the energies into the present. This is done with the use of Master Energy Keys.
You will also receive 14 Master Energy Keys. There are 12 extra scan lists of information which include karma, curses, toxins, visualisations, points, support and protection and more.
NB - You must be able to attend both days. To be eligible to attend Level 4, you must have completed the Level 3.
This workshop has 3 balances in it:-
- Releasing Attached Energies Balance - looks at what energies are attached to the systems and then by using a new level 5 Master Energy Key, releasing them.
- Eye and Vision Balance - balances the eyes both physically and metaphysically. It looks at the energies of eyesight as well as broader visions in life.
- Parts of the Being Balance - looks at balancing the 12 parts of the Being by identifying programmes and information and imbalances within the subsystems. This is done using 12 new Master Energy Keys.
This level looks at accessing 14 different lifetimes including past life, future life, alternate life, parallel life, multiple life and more.
You will also receive 16 new Master Energy Keys.
NB - You must be able to attend both days. To be eligible to attend Level 5, you must have completed the Level 4.
Level 6 - 2 Day Workshop - AUD$490 incl GST
This workshop has 3 balances in it:-
- Kaleidoscope Balance - looks at balancing the crystal energy patterning system. The kaleidoscope is filled with the colours of the rainbow plus black and white and it spreads these colours through the whole energy system.
- Organs Balance - looks at the energy flow in the organs and what issues are being held within them.
- Business Balance - Looks at the energies of a business. A business can hold emotions, sabotages, fears and all sorts of issues and this process looks at helping the energies of the business to re-find balance.
You will also receive another 14 Master Energy Keys
NB - You must be able to attend both days. To be eligible to attend Level 6, you must have completed the Level 5.
Level 7 - 2 Day Workshop - AUD$490 incl GST
This workshop has 3 balances in it:-
- Meters Balance. This balance looks at the 12 metering systems within our energies. The meters control the way our energies operate. There are meters for things like change, memory, support and protection, stress release, weight, aging, cell health, enlightenment etc. You will also get 9 new Master Energy Keys for this balance.
- Selves Balance. This balance looks at the selves which are the energy definitions we have within us. There is are past, present, future, parallel, alternate and multiple selves. Each of these selves have 6 operating subsystems within them.
- Advanced Business Balance. This takes the business balances to a whole new level. The advanced business balance is a series of 3 balances especially designed to clear out the energies of businesses.
Level 7 also introduces 6 new access points and well as the surrogate release points. There is a whole new user friendly balance set-up process.
NB - You must be able to attend both days. To be eligible to attend Level 7, you must have completed the Level 6.
Level 8 - 2 Day Workshop - AUD$490 incl GST
This workshop has 3 balances in it:-
- Love Balance – this balance looks at the programming in our love vibration, what love vibration is being attracted to us and how we view ourselves in love.
- Money Balance – this balance looks at what is programmed in our money vibration and what the causes of these programmes are.
- Language Coding Balance – This balance looks at the universal language codings that get our energies to access, create and do certain things. The language codings look at things like the core of our existence, our genetics, whats in our cells, if we have any ritual energy patterning in place, our personal codings, mechanisms that raise our vibration and much more.
NB - You must be able to attend both days. To be eligible to attend Level 8, you must have completed the Level 7.
Level 9 - 2 Day Workshop - AUD$490 incl GST
This workshop has 4 balancesin it:-
- Soul Evolution Phase Balance – this looks at the phases of evolution in our Soul development and what is being held in this energy so that the space can be cleared.
- States of Consciousness Balance – looks at the levels of consciousness and what is being held within them. These energies feed through our layers of consciousness and can potentially create disruptions in all areas of life.
- Manifestation Balance – this balance looks at what is being held in our manifestation process. It look at the causes of the block and where it is being blocked in our systems. There are also some visualisations and affirmations for manifestation.
- Lifetime DNA Balance – this looks at the lifetimes issues between 2 or more people that carry through lifetimes on our lifetime DNA. Lifetime DNA holds the experiences we have with people through repeating life experiences.
NB - You must be able to attend both days. To be eligible to attend Level 9, you must have completed the Level 8.
Level 10 - 2 Day Workshop - AUD$490 incl GST
This workshop has 3 balances in it:-
- Dimensional DNA Balance - which looks at our multi-dimensional self finding imbalances which feed into our physical reality,
- Age Access Balance - which looks what programs are in our system and at what age they went in so the system can reset itself right through to the present
- Self Awareness Balance - which looks at Insights and Questions to help the system recognise unresolved imbalances.
NB - You must be able to attend both days. To be eligible to attend Level 10, you must have completed the Level 9.
Level 11 - 2 Day Workshop - AUD$490 incl GST
This workshop has 3 balances in it:-
- Relationship Balance - this looks at what relationships we attract into our lives and the repeating patterns we keep living. It looks at relationships of all forms not just the relationship with a partner.
- Energy Restructure Balance - this looks at balancing our energy structure through our core, foundation and connection. If our energy structure is out of balance then we are unable to hold and sustain new energy as our energy keeps collapsing.
- States Balance - this looks at all the different disempowering states that our energy can go into. It looks at what issues are being held in these states and repatterning the system to come back to their point of power.