Psychic Evaluations
Psychic Evaluations (PE's) are a way of identifying what programmes are holding you back or what programmes are holding issues in place. PE’s bypass the conscious mind and look beyond the symptoms to see what's really happening underneath.
A PE is a 15 minute psychic reading where we look into the energy and see what core programs are running. These programs are unconscious and they affect our daily lives. We live in our conscious energy and often get locked in balancing the symptoms eg bad back, not sleeping, relationship issues, work issues etc... and we don’t actually get to address what’s actually creating the symptoms. PE's are a way of getting into the layers under the symptoms and identifying things at a much deeper level.
They are an awesome way to identify what you can’t see, those things trapped in the unconscious that are creating issues in your life.
You will get a list of issues to work through, so that you can start clearing energy on a really deep level.
You can have PE's done for your business, your pets, energies as one, your house. Anything really. If you can think of it, a PE can be done on it.
The Psychic Evaluations are AUD$60 for 15 minutes.